Collected here are all of the minutes from each of the Parish council meetings that are held bimonthly in Westhouse Village Hall. Want to have an impact on decisions made in your parish? See the news section for details of the next meeting and come along – all are welcome and your opinion counts.
If you require any details or would like to raise any local issue then please use our contact page.
Your Councillors
Chair Councillor Kevin Savage | Sunny Dale, Far Westhouse, 07879611088 | ![]() |
Vice Chair Councillor Sheila Hunter | Westhouse Lodge, Lower Westhouse, 41305 | ![]() |
Councillor Frank Hasleden | ||
Councillor Dave Holman | Meadow Falls, Thornton-in-Lonsdale, 07821831717 | ![]() |
Councillor Graham Crombie |
NEXT MEETING ARRANGED FOR: Monday 17th March 2025 Kirkstead Paddocks. Contact [email protected] for more information
As an authority with an annual turnover of less than £25,000, Thornton-in-Lonsdale PC is required to publish up to date information at the time of the internal audit in accordance with the transparency code for local authorities.
This statement confirms an independent auditor has conducted an internal audit for 2023/24 and relevant documentation will be sent to the external auditor before the deadline of 9/24. Click here to see the latest accounts
If any parishioner requires further information, please contact the Clerk at [email protected] including your name and address.
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Click here to see the AGM minutes
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Click here to see the minutes of the AGM
Click here to see the minutes of the meeting
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December 2014
July 2014 – Meeting held on 7th July- 19:00
Click here to see the agenda for the AGM
Click here to see the minutes for the AGM
May 2014 – Meeting held on 12th May- 19:00
March 2014 – Meeting held on 26th March- 19:00
January 2014 – Meeting held on 13th January- 19:00
November 2013 – Meeting held on 25th November- 19:00
September 2013 – Meeting held on 23rd September- 19:00
July 2013 – Meeting held on 22nd July- 19:00
May 2013 – Meeting held on 30th May – 19:30
Click here for the Chairman’s Report
Click here to see the agenda for the AGM
Click here to see the minutes for the AGM
April 2013 – Meeting held on 15th April – 19:00
February 2013 – Meeting held on 18th February – 19:00
December 2012 – The December meeting was rescheduled for Monday 7th January.
October 2012 – Meeting held on Thursday 4th October. Click here to see the agenda
- Chairman Wiper and Councillors Lund, Thompson and Hunter were present and one member of the public. Councillor Ramwell sent apologies.
- The Chairman expressed thanks and gratitude to Mrs C Jenkinson who has served the Parish Council as Clerk for 12 years. Paula Armstrong was welcomed as new Clerk.
- There were no declarations of interest in items on the Agenda.
- Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Monday 23rd July 2012 had been read and were agreed then signed by the Chairman.
- Council agreed that a request would be send to North Yorkshire County Highways for the placement of Speed Data Equipment within the Parish. One on the opposite side of the road to Westhouse Nursery and one adjacent to the turning into Far Westhouse.
- The Jubilee Plinth will be built on the green in Far Westhouse. Work has commenced.
- The clerk informed the council of book entries since the last meeting.
VAT Rebate £430.60
Skipton Building Society Interest £313.65
Threadneedle £237.10
Bedding Plants for Tubs £12.00
Pica Print – Newsletter £15.00
Jubilee Medals £75.00
Clerk’s S/Order £360.87
Internal Audit £54.60
Grass Cutting £91.20
Lune River Trust £50.00
Balance at 7th August was £4256.07
Bills Payable:
Grass (Oct 11, Jul and Aug 12) £86.40
Mazars External Audit £60.00
Pica – Autumn Newsletter £15.00
SLCC – Society of Local Council Clerks. Council agreed to pay for membership of new Clerk. Annual Subscription £66.00.
The new Clerk’s salary was confirmed and Councillors agreed to review again in six and twelve months time. - Craven District Council confirmed that three Enforcement Notices had been served with regards Gatehouse Barn. The three individual notices were due to take effect on 17th October 2012, unless an appeal was made against them before this date.
- There was no update from Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority with regards Kirksteads.
- After examining the plans received for Thornbrook Campsite, Councillors made no objections. However, when responding to Craven District Council, they asked for a number of points to be considered: additional screening to ensure the residents on Thornton Road were not negatively impacted; no street lighting to be used on / or leading onto the site; awareness that there would be an increase in traffic on the small lane leading to the development; query as to whether there is sufficient demand in the area to support both this new development and the recently passed Docklands Campsite.
- The Council agreed that it would like to take whatever remedial action was possible on the Stocks. A mutually convenient meeting with the YDNPA Conservation Officer to be arranged in order to take further advice.
- Next newsletter due in December.
- Council to review whether a number of Parish Noticeboards should be repaired or replaced. Costs to be presented at next meeting. Contact to be made with relevant organisation with regards the repair of Bus Shelters.
- The Council was made aware that a number of HGVs are becoming stuck on Westgate Lane after accessing the lane from the A65. The “6-6” at the A65 junction is not particularly prominent. To be followed up with NYCC Highways.
- It was brought to the Council’s attention that Bank House Lane was falling into disrepair with large potholes, rubble and overgrown hedges. To be followed up with NYCC Highways.
- Roadside ditches on the Far Westhouse Road had not been cleared out and this was resulting in frequent flooding on the road with water standing for a number of days. Potential hazard once cold weather arrives. To be followed up with NYCC.
- Parish Councillors agreed to carry out maintenance work around the Millennium Seat viewpoint.
- There was no other business and the chairman closed the meeting at 9.00pm. The next meeting was scheduled for Monday 3 December at 7.00pm.
July 2012 – Meeting held on Monday 23 July – 19:00 Click here to see the agenda
- Chairman Wiper and councillors Lund, Ramwell and Hunter were present and 5 members of the public. Councillor Thompson had presented Apologies.
- There were no declarations of interest in items on the agenda.
- Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 14 May 2012 had been read and were Agreed then signed by the chairman.
- The Jubilee Plinth Project was discussed and final plans examined. After considering the three estimates for its construction, members decided to ask Mr Gordon Guy to build it.
- The clerk informed the council of book entries since the last meeting.
Threadneedle £172.72
Turbary Rent £950.00
Clerk’s S/Order £360.87
Insurance £208.20
Marmax seat, Masongill £348.00
Installing seat £114.00
The Balance at 19 June was £3,933.39
Bills payable:
Internal Audit £54.60
Grasscutting April,May,June £91.20
Admin. Exps. Feb 11-Feb 12 £120.00
The Skipton Bond was to mature on 31 July. Members decided on the two year Bond at the higher rate and to send the interest to the current account with Natwest.
Council wished a donation of £50 to be sent to the Lune Rivers Trust.
A letter of support had been sent in support of St Oswald’s funding application for the kitchen and toilet facilities project. - The Planning Department had made progress with neither the Kirksteads nor the Gatehouse Barn planning applications. After examining the plans, Councillors made no objections to the Woodlands cottage Garage and Games room, nor to St Oswald’s new drainage system.
- The Dales Archaeological Advisor had phoned to say she would offer some dates for a site visit to the stocks when the henhouse restoration opposite them had been finished.
- Councillors received their forms to complete from the CDC for their Registration of Interests and the new framework for the Code of Conduct; also the four new Craven parish council members on the Standards Committee.
Council had received the NYCC’s much reduced Highways Capital Programme. The clerk had contacted Mr Mason of NYCC Highways about flooding in the parish and Mr Jones, Drains Manager, met on site with councillors.
Members then considered the previously unseen Speed Data Equipment Form. Requests were now to go to the NYCC (Area 5) and not to the ‘Craven Community Safety Partnership.’ This was to be the first item on next meeting’s agenda.
On receipt of the ‘Advice on War Memorials’ from the Memorial Trust, members discussed the cleaning of the cross and darkening the lettering. Clerk reminded the meeting of the promised photograph for the Trust. - Clerk would write again about the growing potholes in the lanes and inform District about the rubble on the verge at Westview.
- There was no other business and the chairman closed the meeting at 9.00pm. The next meeting was scheduled for Monday 24 September at 7.00pm.
May 2012 – Meeting held on Monday 14 May – 19:00 Click here to see the agenda
- Chairman Wiper and councillors Lund and Hunter were present and 2 members of the public. Councillor Thompson had presented Apologies.
- Councillor Wiper declared an interest in the Planning application for his replacement garden shed and was not present for its discussion.
- Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 2 April 2012 had been read and were Agreed then signed by the chairman.
- Mr Jackson’s explanation of the crumbly plaster at the War Memorial had been seen and accepted by members. He had tidied the area.
- The clerk informed the council of book entries since the last meeting.
Allianz Global £241.33
Pica Print Spring newsletter £15.00
The Balance at 30 April was £3,497.05
Bills payable:
Marmax sea £348.00
Insurance CC £208.20
Mr J Thompson, installing seat £114.00
Cllr Hunter would expedite her application to be a signatory for the council.
Members agreed to contribute to the cost of jubilee medals for the children. - There were no objections to planning application C/68/52B, Replacement small shed, Garden Cottage, and responses from planning departments to queries re. Kirksteads and Gatehouse Barn had not yet been received.
- The commemorative plinth project was to be progressed with some advice from Catherine Johnson of the CDC who might have some funding available and costings from local artisans.
- Mr and Mrs Neale would be asked to lead a Summer Nature Ramble at the end of June.
- A meeting with the Archaeological Advisor about the stocks was thought useful.
- The litter pick was to be rearranged before the grass grew too long.
- There was no other business and the chairman closed the meeting at 9.15pm. The next meeting was scheduled for Monday 23 July 2012 at 7.00pm
April 2012 – Meeting held on Monday 2 April – 19:00
- Chairman Wiper and councillors Lund, Thompson and Hunter were present. Councillor Ramwell had presented Apologies.
- There were no declarations of interest in any of the items on the agenda.
- Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 30 January 2012 had been read and were Agreed then signed by the chairman.
- Councillor Wiper agreed to encode and paint the Memorial railings.
- Various designs of seat were considered to replace the dilapidated one at Masongill and the Marmax Sloper was chosen. Mr Thompson would install it.
- The clerk informed the council of book entries since the last meeting.
War Memorial Trust Grant £418.00
Threadneedle Divi £238.09
Village Hall Rent £96.00
Clerk’s Standing Order £360.87
Mr Dryden’s Electricity £25.00
Forestry Christmas Tree £156.00
The Balance at 17 February was £3,789.59.
Bills payable:
Pica print Spring newsletter £15.00
Time to Talk (Relate) donation £50.00
Council agreed to ask Mr Hartley to cut the grass again this year.
Plants were to be purchased for the tubs on the Green and the Memorial and planted by councillor Thompson and the clerk. - Council had just received the retrospective planning application for Kirkstead’s change of use. Members expressed their dissatisfaction with the safety of access to the proposed large and busy retail premises and the incongruity of the signage.
Councillors again discussed the state of Gatehouse Barn in view of the CDC Enforcement Team’s imminent attempt to regularise the activity there. A letter was to be sent supporting the team, containing the concerns of all.
CDC planning had been informed of the recent large distracting banner at the Country Harvest junction advertising a distant attraction. - Councillor Hunter reported the recent Jubilee Celebrations meeting and council received a letter from the Church Council reluctantly declining members’ request to site a Jubilee oak in the churchyard.As an alternative, a stone plinth was proposed for the Green with a commemorative design including significant aspects of life in the parish over the past 60 years.
- The clerk reported on the recent clerks’ meeting: main items were: i. Budget Implications given by Joanna Millar, Corporate Head of Financial Services and ii. Neighbourhood Plans by Ian Swain, Development Control Manager and Stephen Brown, Principal Planning Officer (Policy.) Clerks were concerned about the government’s onshore Wind Farm policy.
- Members considered items of post from other bodies: MP Julian Smith’s response to the council’s letter about large planning applications; the NYCC’s and Cumbria’s waste policy and the CDC’s project to compile sites that would be improved by public furniture and/or art feature. Clerk to suggest the Green.
- The condition of the stocks at Thornton was brought up. Clerk to inquire of the Dales’ Archaeological Advice Dept.
- Clerk to arrange a Litter Pick.
- Dates for the year’s meetings were agreed: APM, AGM and Ordinary meeting Monday 14 May 2012, 7pm, thereafter 30 July, 24 September, 26 November and 31 January 2013.
November 2011 – Meeting held on Monday 28 November – 19:00
October 2011 – Meeting held on Monday 3 October 2011 – 19:00 Click here to see the agenda
- Chairman Wiper and councillors Ramwell and Hunter were present along with one member of the public. A resident attended the meeting interested in the council’s opinion of his retrospective planning application for a garage at Bideber Mill which had not been seen by the council. Permission for the building was ‘in limbo’ due to lack of clarity about the previous use of the land on which it stands.
- There were no declarations of interest in any of the items on the agenda.
- Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Monday 25 July had been read and were Agreed then signed by the chairman.
- The War Memorial Trust had approved the ‘Steps’ grant application and council studied the Conditions and Completion Report. When these were fulfilled the Trust would forward a cheque. Mr Jackson would begin within the fortnight.
- The clerk informed the council of book entries since the last meeting:
Marmax seat £379.20
Clerk’s standing order £360.87
Election Charges £106.00
Mr W Hartley grass cutting £24.00
The Balance at 19 August was £3,880.32
Bills Payable:
Mr W Hartley 3 grass cuttings £67.20
Mazars External Audit £60.00
Art Store for summer newsletter £15.00
Transfer of Funds: Clerk had opened a I year Bond at the Settle Branch with the cheque for £11,894.11 from Santander as decided by council and received the Certificate of Investment. The Bond matures at midnight on 31 July, 2012.
There had been a request from residents for assistance with the purchase of a specialised paint to maintain the iconic red phone box (now a book and goods exchange/art gallery/information centre) adopted by the council for £1. Council agreed a donation of £30 to cover half the cost.
The new seat was in place on the Green (with thanks to Cllr. Ramwell) and Mr Jackson would send a bill for the base. - Councillors were able to hear the background to the large workshop at Bideber Mill from the owner who runs his business from it. His retrospective plan was awaiting a decision from CDC’s Planning Department.
- A letter was to be sent to our district councillors and Yorkshire Highways asking for a speed limit at Westhouse to be reconsidered.
- Mr Neale had offered to organise a natural history walk in the parish in Spring, Summer and Autumn.
- 9 A laminated notice directing owners to the dog waste bin above Edith’s Wood was arranged for the lower exit/entrance. The question of dog-waste on the cut verges in Lower Westhouse was raised and councillors Hunter and Ramwell agreed to talk to those residents responsible. The clerk would also produce a poster indicating the position of the Bin.
- The clerk presented council with a request from Ingleton PC for new members to join the footpaths Committee.
- Titles for Film Night were discussed and the clerk would arrange a date with TRAMPS.
- A letter of thanks was to be sent to Mr Dryden for the electric line and socket connection for the Christmas tree again this year.
- There was no other business and the meeting closed at 9.20 pm. The next Ordinary Meeting is scheduled for Monday 28 November 2011
September 2011– Meeting held on Monday 26 September 2011Click here to see the agenda
July 2011 – Meeting held on Monday 25 July 2011 Click here to see the agenda
- Chairman Wiper, Vice-chairman Lund and councillors Ramwell and Hunter were present along with one member of the public. Mr Colin Elsdon, whose house Ellerbeck Lodge had been flooded the previous week, attended to ask if anything could be done to help prevent another inundation. The council expressed sympathy and discussed the causes and effects of the huge rainstorms: primarily that the drains on Westgate Lane were wrongly placed for catching the water and that the old culvert was not wide enough to cope with the volume. A similar problem had been noted nearby Smithy Cottage, also seriously affecting the A65, which the clerk would also report to Mr Jewitt at Area 5.
- There were no declarations of interest in any of the items on the agenda.
- Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Wednesday 25 May had been read and were Agreed then signed by the chairman.
- Mr Jackson was to be asked also to extend the concrete base for the new seat on the green and raise it an inch or two.
- The clerk informed the council of book entries since the last meeting:
Threadneedle £395.86
Turbary Rent £950.00
Clerk’s standing order £360.87
Annual Insurance (CCI) £243.63
Last 2 internal audits £96.00
Lune Rivers Trust Donation £50.00
Grasscutting £24.00
The Balance at 1 July was £5,315
Bills Payable:
CDC Election charges £106.00
Grasscutting £28.80
Pica Print £19.00
Transfer of Funds: awaiting cheque from Santander. - Plans received for a new garage at Bideber Mill are ‘in limbo’ until permissions for the large employment building erected on the site have been decided.
- Dales Planning is reducing its workforce and increasing delegation. However all plans objected to by Parish Councils will be investigated, including the change of use at Kirksteads.
- Our MP Julian Smith had replied with a letter in support of retaining our libraries in some form, detailing his efforts in Parliament and with the NYCC.
- A letter of thanks would be sent to Mr Neale for leading the very interesting natural history walk in the parish. Another such ramble was requested.
- The clerk and councillor Hunter would attend another website training session with Mr Smith. Councillor Hunter suggested a new topic for the Newsletter and Website: ‘Coming and Goings,’ starting with an interview with the new Methodist minister which she would undertake.
- The dog waste bin at Edith’s Wood had arrived promptly. A notice directing owners to it was required for the lower exit/entrance.
- The clerk had informed the CDC and the footpaths committee of the blocked path to Burton. Ingleton PC who hosts the committee had sent a request to the council for new members.
- A footpath beside the A65 had been covered by willows obliging pedestrians to take to the road. Clerk to contact the owner.
- The footpath sign near Smithy Cottage was reported missing. Clerk to inform the Footpaths Committee.
- In view of the recent summer-camp massacre, councillor Hunter would write an open letter of sympathy to be signed by all our residents and sent to the people of Norway.
- Items of post included CDC’s Choice Based Lettings, NYCC’s Highways Schedules (including Area 5,) and a recorded delivery letter requiring opinions to shape the next Minerals and Waste Plan which councillors would circulate.
- There was no other business and the meeting closed at 9.10 pm. The next Ordinary Meeting is scheduled for Monday 26 September 2011.
May 2011 – Meeting held on Wedensday 25 May 2011Click here to see the agenda
- All members were present.
- There were no declarations of interest in any of the items.
- Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 4 April had been read and were Agreed then signed by the chairman.
- The clerk presented three tenders from local builders for the work at the Memorial. Councillors examined these and decided that a separate quote from a stone mason should be sought for the crack in the base.
- The clerk informed the council of book entries since the last meeting:
Credits: Alliance Global £227.42
Debits: Mr Thompson for film posters £10
YLCA Good Councillors’ Guide (distributed to members) £5.50
The Balance at 28 April was £4,108.66
Bills Payable:
Insurance for year 2011-12 £243.63
Lune Rivers Trust £50
Mr Parker for 2 years’ Internal Audit £94
Mrs Jenkinson Tub plants £13
Underpayment £84.75
The clerk suggested that a change to a deposit account with a better rate of interest should be considered. Members examined possibilities and decided on a one year bond with the Skipton Building Society at 2.75%. Clerk to arrange the change.
Mr Hartley would continue to mow the Green this year at the same rate. - Councillors had no objection to the plans for a timber building to house poultry, feed and bedding at Westhouse Nursery. Nicola Dinsdale who now covers planning for our area, says Kirkstead’s change of use to Cycle Shop probably contravenes two sections of the regulations. She thought there would be too much ‘coming and going’ for a shop at the bend in the A65. There were local anxieties on this point. Also the signs that proliferated along the road were annoying residents. She will visit the site.
- A reply from Ms J. Blaisdale (NYCC libraries) to council’s letters indicated that there may be some reconsideration about the closures. MP Julian Smith had not yet replied.
- A Parish Walk was to be organised, Mr Roger Neale leading, with a theme of natural history.
- As there had been no requests from residents for discussion at the Annual Parish Assembly, no meeting took place.
- Mr Jewitt from Highways repair had examined the pothole on the A65 near Westgate Lane and said that when it got as bad as worse areas in North Craven, the team would attend to it as funds allowed. He said he would now look again at the substratum.
- The clerk had shown Dog warden Mary the required site for the dog waste bin at Edith’s Wood and she had said that a bin could well be possible especially with the cooperation of the National Park. A notice by the lower entry/exit directing owners to the bin would have to be arranged by the council.
- The clerk had purchased plants and refilled the tubs on the Green and at the Memorial.
- Members were concerned that the footpath from the Village Hall to Burton had been blocked. Clerk to inform the Footpaths Officer.
- Items of post included: from the NYCC reduced hours at Recycling Centres; from Natural England, the Lakes to Dales Consultation Revisions; and from the YDNP, redundancies in the Planning department.
- There was no other business and the meeting closed at 9.20 pm. The next Ordinary Meeting was scheduled for Monday 25 July at 7 pm.
id=”apr11″April 2011 – Meeting held on Wedensday 4 April 2011Click here to see the agenda
- All members were present.
- There were no declarations of interest in any of the items.
- Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 31 January had been read and were agreed and signed by the chairman.
- Council were informed that the Faculty from the Diocese had been granted and that three builders had been contacted to tender for the work. Councillor Ramwell would be available to advise. Revd Jenny said building could begin any time from 18 April, when the month’s notice would be taken down.
- It was decided that Film Night was beneficial to the community and that a pre-Christmas showing might be considered. The clerk would check that the new sound system would be in operation.
- The clerk informed the council of book entries since the last meeting:
Wayleave £5.92
Film Takings (inc. Raffle and ices) £184.50
CAB donation £30.00
Ice cream etc for film night (of which £10 returned by cllr Lund) £18.82
The Balance at 22 February was £4,258.66
Bills Payable: 2 Newsletter Printings £30.00
Chairman Wiper would obtain brochures for new benches around the parish as suggested by councillor Thompson. The council received letters of thanks for donations from Mr B. Parker (for the clock tower) and from the CAB. Members agreed to purchase the 3rd Edition of ‘The Good Councillors’ Guide’ to keep up-to-date. Clerk was to ask Mr Hartley if he would continue mowing the Green this year, on the same terms. - Mr Moore of CDC’s Planning Dept. had said that the Docklands application might go to committee at the end of the week. The clerk would make enquiries about the large building erected at Bideber Mill.
- The clerk reported on the Library Closure meeting held at Ingleton Community Centre and was asked to write again to the Chief Executive and to our MP.
- A summer Nature Ramble in the parish had been suggested after the year’s Conservation work on Thornton Lane. Councillor Hunter would approach Mr Roger Neale to lead.
- The clerk would advertise May’s Annual Parish Assembly Meeting and invite residents to suggest topics for discussion.
- Other items included: a report of a dangerous break in the surface of the eastbound carriageway of the A65 after Westgate Lane. Clerk to inform Highways. a Dog Waste Box was needed by Edith’s Wood opposite Bankhouse. Clerk to request the Dog Warden. The tubs on the Green and at the Memorial were due for summer replanting. Clerk to purchase plants and refill with the help of councillor Thompson.
January 2011 – Meeting held on Monday 31 January 2011Click here to see the agenda
- All members were present.
- There were no declarations of interest in any of the items.
- Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 8 December had been read and an amendment was suggested to item 8.
- Councillor Thompson had received from the church a suggestion about the handrail on the plans for the Memorial steps. She would suggest that the rail be moved to the other side to obviate the problem. A response from the church is awaited.
- After the New Year TV showings, ‘Australia’ had been chosen and booked for Film Night on 11 February, publicity was in train and councillors and clerk shared the remaining necessary tasks.
- The clerk informed the council of book entries since the last meeting:
Credits: Allianz Global £306.13
Debits: Kiosk Adoption £1.00
Mazars External Audit £58.7
The Balance at 1 Nov was £4,956.52
Bills Payable: Hall Rent £96.00
Poppy Appeal £50.00
Tub plants for green and Memorial £27.24
Members decided that a Parish Precept was not needed this year. Relate had sent its Annual Report and Accounts. Mr Collier was unable to attend to the Village Green tubs so the Clerk purchased plants for them and for the Memorial, which were planted by the clerk and councillor Thompson. - Councillors considered two planning applications:
- Change of use to Provide Camping Site (40 Pitches) at Docklands. Councillors were of the opinion that this site should only be allowed once this highly visible field is properly planted with trees. The Woodland Trust should be involved in the design of this ‘shelter belt’ which should be well-established before development. Also some of the proposed installations raised on platforms would be too obtrusive without tall, well-grown saplings around them. The Yurts should be brown or green, not white canvas as illustrated which is too visible. The Pods would be acceptable with trees. 25 pitches, 5 caravans 6 Yurts and 4 Pods however would seem very heavy usage of this area.
- Retention of Toilet Block Resubmission: Councillors were not happy that the toilet block facilities would be sufficient to cater for the numbers expected. Their calculation of 50 men and 2 toilets showed clearly that provision would be inadequate and not up to standard. Visually the building should be of stone on the roadside with a slate roof. Maintenance Store: A maintenance store would be necessary but again members were unhappy with the aesthetic of roadside timber. Stone and slate are necessary.
- Council’s main concern is that all three applications should be accomplished strictly according to schedule, bearing in mind that the applicant has previously disregarded the need for planning regulations.
- Siting of low level lectern interpretation panel at Thornton Force: Council wished to point out that Thornton Force (as its name implies) lies within the Parish of Thornton-in-Lonsdale and not in Ingleton (a postal area only for some properties in our parish.) Members would therefore prefer the panel entitled Thornton-in-Lonsdale Waterfalls. Otherwise the information was interesting and the placement acceptable.
- The Joiners’ Works extension had been granted.
- The clerk informed the council that Mr Jones of Area 5 Drainage had replied that responsibility for maintenance of roadside ditches is generally assumed to be that of the adjoining landowners. However, the clerk will ask him to see what he can do to rectify the culvert under the field entrance on Thornton Lane which is causing ice in cold weather.
- Two old road signs were in need of repair: the ancient ‘wapentake’ boundary by the bridge over the Twiss and a more recent stone based direction sign on the lane by Docklands. Clerk was to contact antiquities officers.
- Clerk was to write with thanks to Mrs Cross and to Mr Dryden for their kind assistance with the Christmas Tree on the Green which was a great success.
- There had been many complaints about random gritting, salt bins and pothole that needed attention. Also a car was parked in a passing place. Clerk listed locations for the county. Finally members were horrified at the possible loss of Ingleton library. A letter with alternative suggestions should be sent.
December 2010 – Meeting held on Wedensday 8 December 2010Click here to see the agenda
- All members were present.
- There were no declarations of interest in any of the items.
- Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 11 October had been Read and were Agreed and Signed as correct.
- Although still waiting for the Faculty from the church, members thought it safe to begin asking builders to tender for the Memorial steps.
- The decision on the film title for the 11 February Film Night was to be kept until after New Year when the TV schedules were known. Arrangements for tickets, publicity and refreshments were finalised.
- The clerk informed the council of book entries since the last meeting:
Credits: Allianz Global £306.13
Debits: Kiosk Adoption £1.00
Mazars External Audit £58.75
Clerk’s salary £360.87
J Hartley Sept cut + docks + 30 min £56.40
The Balance at 1 Nov was £4,956.52
Bills Payable: Hall Rent £96.00
Poppy Appeal £50.00
Tub plants for green and Memorial £27.24 - Members decided that a Parish Precept was not needed this year.
- Relate had sent its Annual Report and Accounts.
- Mr Collier was unable to attend to the Village Green tubs so the Clerk purchased plants for them and for the Memorial, which were planted by the clerk and councillor Thompson.
- Councillors considered two planning applications:
- (Craven) Change of use to Provide Camping Site (40 Pitches) at Docklands. Councillors were of the opinion that this site should only be allowed once this highly visible field is properly planted with trees. The Woodland Trust should be involved in the design of this ‘shelter belt’ which should be well-established before development. Also some of the proposed installations raised on platforms would be too obtrusive without tall, well-grown saplings around them. The Yurts should be brown or green, not white canvas as illustrated which is too visible. The Pods would be acceptable with trees. 25 pitches, 5 caravans 6 Yurts and 4 Pods however would seem very heavy usage of this area. b. Retention of Toilet Block Resubmission: Councillors were not happy that the toilet block facilities would be sufficient to cater for the numbers expected. Their calculation of 50 men and 2 toilets showed clearly that provision would be inadequate and not up to standard. Visually the building should be of stone on the roadside with a slate roof. c. Maintenance Store: A maintenance store would be necessary but again members were unhappy with the aesthetic of roadside timber. Stone and slate are necessary. Council’s main concern is that all three applications should be accomplished strictly according to schedule, bearing in mind that the applicant has previously disregarded the need for planning regulations.
- (Dales) Siting of low level lectern interpretation panel at Thornton Force: Council wished to point out that Thornton Force (as its name implies) lies within the Parish of Thornton-in-Lonsdale and not in Ingleton (a postal area only for some properties in our parish.) Members would therefore prefer the panel entitled Thornton-in-Lonsdale Waterfalls. Otherwise the information was interesting and the placement acceptable.
- The Joiners’ Works extension had been granted.
- The clerk informed the council that Mr Jones of Area 5 Drainage had replied that responsibility for maintenance of roadside ditches is generally assumed to be that of the adjoining landowners. However, the clerk will ask him to see what he can do to rectify the culvert under the field entrance on Thornton Lane which is causing ice in cold weather.
- Two old road signs were in need of repair: the ancient ‘wapentake’ boundary by the bridge over the Twiss and a more recent stone based direction sign on the lane by Docklands. Clerk was to contact antiquities officers.
- Clerk was to write with thanks to Mrs Cross and to Mr Dryden for their kind assistance with the Christmas Tree on the Green which was a great success.
- There had been many complaints about random gritting, salt bins and pothole that needed attention. Also a car was parked in a passing place. Clerk listed locations for the county. Finally members were horrified at the possible loss of Ingleton library. A letter with alternative suggestions should be sent.
October 2010 – Meeting held on Monday 11 October 2010 – Click here to see the agenda
- Four councillors were present and one member of the public. Apologies were received from Chairman Wiper. Minutes of the AGM and the Ordinary meeting held on 2 August had been Read and were Agreed and Signed as correct.
- A list of local builders was compiled to tender for the construction of the Memorial Steps when all permissions had been received. All were in except the ‘Faculty’ from the church. A rough assessment of the total cost estimated around £1,000 to include the repair to the base, three one-piece stone steps, the railing and possibly the paved area.
- The Village Hall Committee had decided not to put on a Film Night. Councillors thought it a fun way for residents to ‘get together’ and decided to go ahead. TRAMPS was to be booked for Friday 11 February 2011 and suitable film titles were discussed.
- The clerk informed the council of book entries since the last meeting
Credits: Newsletter/Website Grant £110.35
Vat rebate £334.63
Debits: Clerk’s salary £273.98
Dales Planning Application £85.00
The Balance at 18 August was £5188.51
Bills Payable: Mazars £58.75
Grasscutting Jul/Aug inc.vat £56.40
Sept + docks (£20) + 30 mins £61.10 - Councillors Ramwell and Hunter had agreed to be signatories and the resolution to include them as such was passed.
- The mandate to change the clerk’s salary, agreed last meeting, was signed.
- Remembrance: members decided to increase the Poppy Cross Donation this year to £50 to include the small wooden cross on the field of Remembrance at Wootton Basset.
- Clerk to ask Mr Collier to refill the tubs on the Green. Also the clerk was to buy plants for the Memorial tub.
- The Website was progressing very well with the Businesses page to be developed. The council made a welcome suggestion that a piece on Toby’s Fold could be included in the Newsletter.
- Councillor Thompson asked whether a larger outdoor lighted Christmas Tree might be placed on the Green as nothing else was being done for the Season. The Annual Carol Singers could gather around it as well as visiting local residences. She would enquire of donors.
- Items of post were received from: the ‘No Need for Nuclear’Campaign; the Allerton Park’s aims for Waste Recovery; the CDC’s Community Governance Proposed Parish Changes (none for TiL) and its free Business Seminar; the Lune Rivers’ Trust’s Water Friendly Farming Good Practice Guide; the Dales’ integrated recreation and tourism Strategy and the NYCC’s Home to School Transport Changes. Members also discussed the future of Skipton Town Hall and were of the opinion that at least some of the building should be reserved for community use.
- Councillors had concerns that on Smithy Lane a small pothole was about to grow into a larger one; the overflow from a field gate conduit on Thornton Lane could cause more dangerous ice this winter, and that it was time that the speed limit on the A65 should be tried for again. The clerk would attend to these matters. Council had no objection to the development of office space at the Joiners’ Works.
August 2010 – Meeting held on Monday 2 August 2010 in Westhouse Village Hall – Click here to see the agenda.
- All councillors were present and two members of the public.
- Councillors Ramwell declared an interest in Item 5i and it was agreed to move the Green Cottage application to the end of the meeting.
- Minutes of the AGM and the Ordinary meeting held on 24 May had been Read and were Agreed and Signed as correct.
- The suggestion of portable steps at the Memorial was rejected and the original plans were to be continued.
- Council were informed that the application for a Heavy Goods Licence and Vehicle Centre at Gatehouse Barn had been rejected by the District.
- Before beginning arrangements with TRAMPS, members thought the Village Hall committee should be asked whether they would like to put on a film as part of their winter programme.
- i. The clerk informed the council of book entries since the last meeting:
Credits: Turbary Rent: £950
Debits: Zurich Insurance: £257.62 Marmax Seat: £365.43 Pica Print (via clerk): £15.00 J Hartley&Sons 2 Grass cuts: £56.40
The Balance at 2 July was £5,102.51
ii. Bills Payable: None
iii. Members decided that the clerk’s salary should be revised upwards to NALC rate SCP 19 after ten years’ service and that weekly ‘payable hours’ should be increased by half an hour to three hours. - After considering the response from Mr Cairns of Area5 about the proposed one-way system at Smithy Lane and the evidence provided both by residents and their representative at the meeting, the council decided not to proceed.
- Members provided responses to: the Gypsy and Traveller comment sheet; the N.Yorks billion pound incinerator scheme; and the closures of Skipton’s Magistrates and County Courts following transfer to Harrogate.Councillors were informed of changes to the bus-pass scheme and the winter service salt bin provision. All our slopes were eligible for ‘free’ supplies and as bins were preferable to heaps, the clerk would inquire whether bins could be installed instead.
- Mr Sam Smith of Higher Westhouse kindly gave a short demonstration of the Community Website that he was constructing for the parish. The site could ‘go live’ before the end of the month. Councillor Hunter kindly offered her support with the Newsletter and The Website.
- Potholes on Thornton Lane were reported. Clerk to inform Highways.
- (5i) Members had no architectural objection to the plans for The Green Cottage, though they regretted the loss of yet another smaller property.
- There was no other business and the chairman closed the meeting at 9.10 pm.
May 2010 – Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting (AGM) held on Monday 24 May 2010 in Westhouse Village Hall – Click here to see the agenda.
- Three councillors were present along with four members of the public. Apologies were received from councillor Thompson. Councillor Townley had stood down regretfully due to pressures of time.
- For the office of Chairman, councillor Wiper was proposed by councillor Lund, seconded by councillor Ramwell and duly elected for 2010-2011. For the office of Vice-chairman, councillor Lund was proposed by councillor Wiper, seconded by councillor Ramwell and duly elected for this period.
- Chairman’s Report: Councillor Lund began by thanking all councillors and clerk for their support and concern for events over the last twelve months. He then expressed regret that their vice-chairman Nick had decided to resign and wished him well in the future.There had been various planning applications and non-applications during the year and felt that Craven and the National Park had made it difficult for some.The seat above Westgate which had been damaged had been replaced.Two new notice boards had been erected in the parish and the Parish News Leaflet had been well-received. More contributions would be welcome.Repairs to the culvert in Lower Westhouse caused a lot of inconvenience and took longer than expected. One of the events of the year was the Film Night which was quite well-attended. He wanted to say a big thank you to the clerk and all the councillors for their support over the years whilst he had been chairman and he wished the new Chairman councillor Wiper well in his term of office.
- Financial Report 2009-2010: In spite of the state of the national economy, the general financial position of the Council is still very sound. Reserves are still high, however, and expenditure in 2010-11 is likely again to be encouraged by the external auditors. The bill for the memorial steps could help defray them a little next year.
- There was no other business.
March 2010 – Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Monday 28 March 2010 in Westhouse Village Hall – Click here to see the agenda.
- Apologies were received from councillor Townley.
- There were no declarations of interest in items on the agenda.
- Minutes of the Ordinary meeting held on 25 January had been Read and were Agreed and Signed as correct.
- The clerk informed members that a grant of half the cost of work to the War Memorial would be available from the Memorials Trust. A list of local builders was made and councillor Thompson’s drawing received. It was thought that some attention to uneven paving around the structure would be advisable. The clerk would inform Dales Planning and proceed with the quotes. The vicar had promised a letter of permission.
- Brochures for seats in durable recycled materials were examined, and that sent by Cllr Townley, to replace the one on upper Westgate Lane. Clerk to order the ‘Traditional’ from Marmax at £311+fittings+delivery+Vat.
- The clerk informed councillors of the progress of the Docklands Toilet Block and the Gatehouse Barn appeals. There had still been no decision on the Trees Farm live/work barn conversion.
- Members reviewed the success of Film Night after all the monies were in. Though it had made almost no profit it was thought to have been an enjoyable event that was worth repeating. TRAMPS had advised that the hall could comfortably take no more than about 40 seats, so such an evening could never make much money. Another Film Night would be arranged for the Autumn.