As a Parish Council we are sent many different requests for feedback asking for the opinions of local people. Listed here are the current news items we have been asked for comment on. Links are provided for more details. If you have any questions or wish to voice an opinion then please do so using the email below and we will relay your views to the organisation concerned.
Current Issues
Backlash against rural wind turbines
How do you feel about the progression of wind farms in rural areas? This article from the Rural Services Network details some of the issues involved. If you have an opinion and want to be heard in your local community please email [email protected]. All views are forwarded to the Parish Council for discussion and you will receive feedback if you have left your contact details.
Local Speed Issues
Concerns have been voiced that the stretch of the A65 that passes through our parish needs a 30Mph speed limit in order to reduce the risks of speeding traffic. Below are copies of all correspondence currently lodged in favour of adding a speed limit. Please get in touch with us with your views using the email [email protected]
Original letter to North Yorkshire Highways
North Yorkshire Highways Reply – November 2011
Parish Council Letter in Response – January 2012
This page can be used to voice any other issue you would like in regards to local matters.
If you want to get in touch with us with any suggestions for the website, ideas for local events or anything else you feel we should be covering/doing then please use email us directly on [email protected]
We want to hear your ideas and thoughts.